Activity Groups

The Group reservation is a container for multiple activity entries for multiple persons.

The reservation type defines which activity products are allowed as well as certain behavior of status and resource assignments. You can enter the names and addresses of group members (participants) at any time during the booking process, and either before or after payments, and before or after activities have been created.

The group functionality lets you reserve multiple number of bookings (activities) at any given date and time in a fast manner. It also lets you invoice (or pay) all the related activities in a compressed format, rather then every single activity detailed in the POS journal or the BC invoice lines. Also, you can create a Business Central quote for the purpose of quoting the customer prior to confirming and reserving the activities. All pricing and discounts to the activities are applied in the Activity Group lines in a single entry for all related activities.

Every member of the group will still have his or her own Activity Reservation with multiple activities assigned if they are assigned more than 1 activity. This means that each member also has his or her own Activity Reservation, which is created and maintained automatically from the Activity Group Card. So the Activity Group structure is basically a level above the normal Activity Reservations and acts as an umbrella for all functions and summary related to the group.

The Activity Group Reservation always creates one Activity Reservation (with matching number and description) to act as a paymaster and to collect any deposits and additional POS charges. You can also use the reservation to reserve any bookings that handle direct group activities rather than group member activities.

The Status setups and functionality, POS deposit, and charge handling are the same for the Paymaster reservation as for any other activity reservation.

Note: Attribute settings for the Activity Group are the same as for the Activity paymaster reservation and are based on the reservation type.

Note: If an action on the Activity Group Card is not described here, see corresponding action descriptions on the Activity Reservation Card.

To create a new Activity Group Card from the Role Center

  • Click +Group in the Actions section to the right on your display


  • click Groups in the role center's top menu bar to access the Groups list, and then click Manage and +New .
  • The Activity Group Card opens where you can create a new group reservation.

To edit the Activity Group Reservation Card from the Role Center

  1. Click Groups in the role center's top menu bar.
  2. Double-click an entry in the list to display the Reservation Card, or select an entry and click Edit - Reservation Card.

The table below lists and describes the fields in the Group Reservation Card's General FastTab:

Field Description
No. Unique ID assigned for reference and retrieval purposes. Automatically issued based on no. series in the activity setup.
Reservation Type This field controls the definition of the reservation and what activities can be entered into a single reservation. Status settings can also be defined per reservation type if different handling is needed.
Contact The main customer contact to reach related to the group reservation.
Contact Name Name of the contact.
Description Description of the reservation. Automatically populated by the contact name, but can be edited by the user.
Reservation From and To The dates on which the activities will be taking place. Only dates within this period can be assigned in the Group activity lines. If you change the starting date, all group activity lines will be changed accordingly.
Note: If activities have already been created, these will be deleted.
Location The activity location.
Note: The value in this field filters all availability. This setting will be assigned by default to the Group activity lines, but each line can still have a different location.
Language Code The client's language code.
Note: Optionally, this setting decides the email template to be used for communication.
Price Group Retrieved from the customer or contact account and sets the pricing for additional items and activities using retail pricing.
Discount Group Retrieved from the customer or contact account and used for the additional charges, if being invoiced.
Sales Person The sales person involved.
Main Internal Contact For internal reference.
Reference Additional field that can be used in the Role Center's search function.
E-mail The contact's email. Can be edited by the user.
Mobile Phone No. The contact's phone number. Can be edited by the user.
Comment Internal comment.
Additional Charge Limit The total amount that can be charged additionally to the paymaster reservation at the POS.
Arrival and Departure Times For reference purposes only.
Customer Account No. The customer account used for invoicing. This field is required if a quote or an invoice is issued.
No. of Persons The total number of persons belonging to this group and who might be assigned to activities. When creating activities in the Group activity lines, the Quantity of activity issued per line can not exceed this value.

You can click Assist Edit to drill down to the list of group members and assign further details to each member. You can also access this list of members by clicking the Edit action and then Group Members, or from the No. of Persons cue. This list will act as Group Member Master list and only people from this list can be assigned to activities in the Activity group lines.

Reservation transactions

Any additional entries, for example deposits and deposit returns, can be viewed in the Reservation Transactions list with reference to the receipt number handling the transaction. All entries in this list will be included in the reservation balance summary.
Additionally, calculated and posted cancellation charges will be shown in this list. Any receipts that have been charged to the reservation from a POS will be shown in this view as well.

Note: All reservation transactions go through the identical Paymaster activity reservation, which has the same No. and matching fields synchronized. For more functionality information see Activity Reservations.

For paymaster reservation:

See Also

Reservation Card - Actions

Reservation Card - Cues

Group Status FactBox pages and cues

There are two status FactBoxes on the Group Reservation page. The one at the top relates to the group as a whole, the lower one to the individual group line, but both show the same information. If it has been paid, the group line shows details and a link to the related payment document, that is an invoice or POS receipt.

Field Description
Individual Amount The Activity Group Lines can have a Charge Type which specifies if the line is going to be charged to the group or to the individual. If assigned to the individual, the total amount will be displayed here.
Group Amount The total amount of activities which has the charge type assigned to the group.
Total Group Amount The summary of activities charged both to group and individuals.
Paymaster Balance The total outstanding balance on the paymaster reservation which keeps track of deposits and additional POS charges .
Total Activity Charges Total amount of all activities created related to the group.
Total Balance The total outstanding balance for the group only, that is paymaster + activities charged to the group.
Created The date and time this record was created and by whom.
POS Charges The total amount of charges through POS added to the paymaster transactions. Drill-down available to entries.
Deposits (Balance) The total balance of deposits on the related paymaster. Drill-down available to entries.
Total fees The total fees (cancellation charges, late rental returns and so on) calculated and added to the paymaster.
Total Activities The total number of related activities created. Drill-down available to entries.
Reserved Activities The total number of related activities that have been confirmed and reserved. Drill-down available to entries. A  mismatch between reserved and total activities may be caused by activities that could not be confirmed or reserved due to lack of availability or because of cancellations.
Unpaid Activities The total number of related activities that have not been paid.
Status The current status and internal status of the group reservation in whole. The status for each individual line is not available since each activity might have its own status.
Comment Internal comment.

Activity Group Card and List - actions

Action Action Description
Edit Group Members To add or modify individual persons that are assigned as group members and will be assigned to the activities.
Note: You can enter names and contact details at any stage, that is before or after confirmation, or before or after payment has been received.
  Paymaster Open and edit the paymaster reservation that handles deposits and other related transactions.
Note: Header details are automatically synchronized with the paymaster, as well as the attributes.
  Reservation Attributes Edit attributes that are assigned to the group and shared with the paymaster. The attributes are defined by the reservation type assigned to the group.
Status Confirm Assign confirm status to all activity group lines.
Note: If the status reserves resources, this action will create the activities and assign resources in the available time slots.
  Cancel Assign cancel status to all activity group lines.
Note: If the status releases resources, this action will delete the activity reservations.
  Change Status Assign status selected from the list to all activity group lines.
Note: If the status releases resources, this action will delete the activity reservations, or, if the status reserves resources, this action will create activities and assign a status.
View Availability Matrix View the availability matrix. The default matrix template derives from the reservation type.
  External View any external views according to the reservation type settings.
Invoicing Quote Create a standard Business Central quote based on the group lines, both charged to the group and to the individuals in one single quote.
Note: The quote does not have to be invoiced, and it can be only used to issue a quote.
  Invoice Create a standard Business Central invoice based on the group lines that have the Charge Type field set to Group. When the invoice is posted, the related payment statuses are set to Fully Paid and Transaction is assigned to the invoice number.

All related activities will be assigned the same payment status and transaction document. An invoice can only be created if the Group reservation has been confirmed. Note: Any outstanding deposits or fees and unpaid POS charges to the paymaster reservation will be included in the invoicing process.

However, if the paymaster reservation has charges or deposits, the standard reservation invoicing and payment can be processed only for the paymaster, which at that point would include any deposits and POS charges still outstanding.

Navigate Activities Use this option to view all group related activities.
  Reservations Use this option to view all group related reservations.
Note: There will always be one paymaster reservation and one reservation per group member.

Activities section

The Activities section keeps track of the actual activities reserved for the group. The lines are like a worksheet where the user can enter the details of the activities: the number of them (quantity), price, and discounts, prior to any activities being actually created. These lines will be the basis of the activities created when a status has been assigned which, depending on settings, will create or remove the related activities. The price and discounts for group activities are always controlled from these lines and cannot be modified directly at each activity. These lines will be the basis of the quote, invoice, and payment on the POS.

Each Group Activity line has its own set of associated group members, based on the main group members assigned on the group card (see the No. of Persons setting at the top of this page).

Field Description
No. The activity product number assigned on the line. The set of products available is limited by the reservation type setting.
Description Automatically populated product description. You can edit this field and use it as a comment field, if the No. field is blank.
Quantity The total number of activities that should be created and charged. Cannot exceed the total number of persons in the group.
Unit Price The unit price of the activity product.
Amount The total amount of the activity, that is Quantity * Price * (No. of Persons if the product allows more than one person per activity booking) - the discount given.
Discount % Issued line discount as percentage of the total amount.
No. of Persons Default is 1. Note: An activity product may allow more than 1 person per activity.
Reservation Date The date when the activity should take place. Only dates within the group's From and To dates are applicable. Use the Assist Edit button to see an availability view and select a time from the list.
Reservation Time The time when the activity should begin to take place. Only dates within the group's From and To dates are applicable. Use the Assist Edit button to see an availability view and select a time from the list.
Note: The time is used only as a requested time, when the related activities should start to be assigned. However, depending on availability and the interval setting on the activity product, the actual activity time may vary and be different on some activities created.
End Time Specifies the latest hour when the activities may be booked. Can also be used to see the total availability during a fixed time period.
Note: Not to be considered as the activity "end time".
Availability The total number of activities which can be booked at the given date. If the Reservation Time has been set then its reflected in the availability. If the End Time is set, then availability shown is only for the time from Reservation time until End Time.
Location The activity location, defaulted from the Group header setting but can be changed for individual lines.
Reserved The total number of activities created and Reserved.
Note: If this number does not match the Quantity value, the Quantity field will be displayed in RED as a warning indicator.
Charge Type The available options are:
  • Group - will be charged to the group.
  • Individual - will be charged to each individual through normal activity payment processes.

Note: All lines are included in the quote, but individual lines are excluded from Group invoice or Group payment at POS and should be handled per person.

Comment Internal comment which is passed on to every related activity as comment.
Payment Status Shows if the Group activity line as been paid (either invoiced or paid through POS), or is still unpaid (no invoice issued).
Transaction Type Shows if an invoice has been created or paid at POS.
Transaction The document number of the POS transaction or the invoice. Drill-down to entry is available.

Activities - actions

Action Action Description
Manage Delete Activities Delete all activities related to the current group activity line.
Status Confirm Assign status Confirm to the activity group line.
Note: If the status reserves resources, this action will create the activities and assign resources at the available time slots.
  Cancel Assign status Cancel to the activity group line.
Note: If the status releases resources, this action will delete the activity reservations.
  Change Status Assign status selected from the list to the activity group line.
Note: If the status releases resources, this action will delete the activity reservations. If the status reserves resources, this action will create activities and assign the status.
View Search Availability Open the availability view for the given date and product.
  Activities Use this option to view all group line related activities.

Group Members section

This section defines which members of the base member list will be associated with the group line and used to assign individual persons to each activity. This list can be populated at any point of the process. All group line members must be already registered as group members through the Group Reservation Card (click Edit - Group Members), before they can be assigned as participants for each activity group line. There can only be as many members as indicated by the value in the Quantity field in the Activities section.

Group Members - fields

Field Description
Sequence Reference to the base group member assignment. Look-up will list all members in the group and assign to the group line member list. All group members get a unique sequence number that can be used to assign them to the activity group line as participants.
Sub Group Subgroups are dynamically created "groups" within the member group, that is if the user wants to group together adults, children and so on, and use that subgroup later to assign multiple group members at once.
Contact If the member is already registered as a member contact, you can look him or her up here and search for a member contact and assign to the group.
Name Name of the person.
Phone Phone number of the person.
Email Email of the person.
Comment Internal comment.

Group Members - actions

Action Action Description
View Activities View all activities assigned to the group member.